Thursday, December 3, 2009

O, Christmas Tree

According to the National Christmas Tree Association, an acre of Christmas trees produces the daily oxygen for 18 people., p. 4. Friends who celebrate Christmas, ‘tis the season to think environmentally about gift giving and the tree you buy.

Earlier on Sustainable C, I listed one website where folks can buy environmentally friendly gift wrap, A great alternative is making your own reusable wrap.

When it comes to finding a tree, the most environmental option is buying a living replantable tree. If you don’t have the space to plant the tree after the holidays, consider donating it to Friends of Urban Forests,, or a like-minded organization near you. You could also "rent" a living tree through

If you absolutely must buy a cut tree, look for organic growers who avoid the use of pesticides. Once the holiday season is over, you may also want to consider “treecycling.” To find a treecycling center near you, check Earth911,

For ideas on Christmas tree alternatives, please see the discussion in the comments section below.


  1. Hmm...instead of a tree I'm going to think of another alternative to holiday decorating. Any suggestions?

  2. Thanks for asking! has something to say about Christmas tree alternatives. Check out

    Some of her readers’ ideas include buying another kind of tree, such as a citrus tree, that you can decorate with popcorn, candy canes and energy efficient LED lighting. Other readers, homeowners with yard space, planted a tree outside that they deemed their annual Christmas tree.

    Another site,, lists ten creative Christmas tree alternatives.

  3. Carmen,

    You have enlightened Roger and me about artificial Christmas, we'll be getting rid of ours and next year we will have a beautiful wooden, one-dimensional tree built by Roger. I'll trim it with pine cones and lights! Can't wait. Love you, Mom

  4. So cool! That sounds really creative, and potentially very expressive of each of your artistic talents. Thanks for sharing your idea, Mom! Love you, Carmen
